School Workshop Directory

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Rocks & Fossils Workshop (KS2 & KS3)

Workshop Provider: Palaoquest

Workshop Themes & Tags: Rocks and Fossils KS2

Age Suitability: Key Stage 2, Key Stage 3

Can your workshop be delivered to schools online?: Yes

Delivery Locations by Regions: South East England, London & Home Counties, East of England, West Midlands

Workshop Summary: 

Get hands-on with rocks and fossils, soils, and geological equipment in this workshop. Examine, compare and group a wide variety of specimens. Investigate the properties of rocks, and their uses in our everyday lives or their role in the rock cycle. Learn how fossils get inside rocks, and what they can tell us about prehistoric life. We can also examine thin-sections of rocks under the microscope, rock-forming minerals, and weathering of rocks.
The workshop covers KS2 topic "Rocks & Fossils". For KS3, the workshop can enrich studies of the rock cycle, resources, environmental changes of the past, and can be combined with other workshops (eg. Go Mapping, Geochallenge).
Children work in groups and rotate around a series of rocks and fossils "stations" during the workshop, each one with a theme, eg.: colours, textures, grains, crystals, weathered rocks and soils, things made from rocks, etc.
In your own classroom or school hall you will experience a wide variety of specimens to touch, compare, measure, and examine with cue cards to prompt discussion and discovery. There are also a worksheets to fill in.

Additional Information:

 Covid-safe arrangements, prices etc all available on website.


"Fantastic resources and well-planned activities which fully engaged the children and were very relevant to the curriculum."

—Year 3 teacher Tiffield School.

"Your collection is truly wonderful and the range of activities excellent."

—Science Co-ordinator, Barnes Primary School.