Sleep No More - Macbeth Workshop (KS2 - KS3)
Unleash the Power of Macbeth with Crew of Patches! Join us on a thrilling theatrical journey through Shakespeare's gripping tragedy, Macbeth. Our experienced practitioner will guide your students through the captivating story of ambition, betrayal, and the chilling descent into madness.
Comics & Graphic Novels Workshop (KS2-KS3)
Workshop Provided by Go Sketch:
Learn how to create a character and structure your story for a comic or graphic novel is this creative workshop. We will learn about all the different features of comics as well as different drawing styles. Great workshop for book week and arts week together!
WWI Into The Trenches Workshop by Mogzilla Books (KS2-KS3)
Workshop Provided by Mogzilla Books:
Using my WWI children's book, Agent Two Face, as inspiration, I will take the children on an interactive journey through the Great War. We begin by watching a 'recruit' take the KIng's shilling as he swears the assetation oath in the recruiting office.
WW2 Dunkirk to the Blitz Workshop by Mogzilla Books (KS2-KS3)
Workshop Provided by Mogzilla Books:
The Workshop begins at Dunkirk in 1940, with the School Hall transformed to replicate the beaches. From here, the children are separated into the advancing German Army and the retreating and trapped B.E.F. (British Troops - each wearing a plastic Brodie helmet). Using artefacts and sound effects, the children then re-enact an air raid on the deathly sands. During this thrilling session, I use extracts of my acclaimed novel Demons of Dunkirk to bring the occasion alive.
Survive the Bronze Age Workshop by Mogzilla Books (KS1-KS2)
Workshop Provided by Mogzilla Books:
Using Paul Nolan’s critically acclaimed book TimeCast - Age of Bronze as a stimulus, the children will understand first-hand just how savage life was in Pre-historic Britain. They will dress in authentic costumes, participate in a Bronze Age burial, help create Bronze from Copper and Tin, handle real, ancient Bronze artefacts and re-enact the most exciting parts of my book.
Dinosaurs Workshop (EYFS-KS2)
Workshop Provided by Teach Rex
A science focused workshop discussing the evolution of science and why it so important to ask the question ‘why’. This is an interactive workshop, with ‘Jam’ our 4 metre dinosaur, that is designed to get children of all ages thinking scientifically.
Outreach Drama Workshops (KS2-KS5)
Workshop Provided by Theatre Workout
Our West End and other educational workshops are now available as Outreach workshops in your school across the UK and internationally. We cover all aspects of theatre and performance such as acting, Shakespeare, storytelling, devising, physical theatre, musical theatre, dance, Stage Combat and more, designed to enhance your curriculum, advance school projects or performances, and help you explore productions you are studying.