Stone Age to Iron Age Britain History & VR Workshop (KS2)
Workshop Provided by Widget Workshops
We bring history to life, using virtual reality to discover the ancient world and providing hands-on practical activities where children can handle artefacts and learn ancient skills. Our workshops are truly immersive.
Survive the Bronze Age Workshop by Mogzilla Books (KS1-KS2)
Workshop Provided by Mogzilla Books:
Using Paul Nolan’s critically acclaimed book TimeCast - Age of Bronze as a stimulus, the children will understand first-hand just how savage life was in Pre-historic Britain. They will dress in authentic costumes, participate in a Bronze Age burial, help create Bronze from Copper and Tin, handle real, ancient Bronze artefacts and re-enact the most exciting parts of my book.
Roman Britain History Workshop by Those History People (KS1-KS2)
Workshop Provided by Those History People
Step back in time to iron-age Roman Britain. Rumour has it that Camulodunum has been attacked by Boudica and the Iceni, and a revolt has begun. The pupils will learn about the cause and outcome of the Boudican revolt and Roman military life through a combination of practical making activities, drama and role-play